today as we explore why cleaning your bubbler is so important.
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Whether you want to admit it or not, your dirty bubbler cannot compete with the functionality that it once had when it was clean. Due to clogged holes reducing airflow and resin walls leaving a stale taste on the smoke, your sessions suffer at the hands of a dirty piece.
The little things really add up when it comes to a clean vs dirty bubbler. As mentioned, clogged holes cause reduced airflow, which makes you exert more suction to pull the smoke through.With a clean bubbler, pulling your hits is easy.
The resin and ash that line the water and inside walls of your bubbler interfere with the taste of your smoke. With a clean bubbler, taste your marijuana how it should be enjoyed!
With a dirty bubbler, the water can harbor harmful contaminants and other agents like mold that can have negative impacts on health and certainly ruin a session. With clean water in a clean bubbler, this is no longer a problem!
You’ll notice the difference between clean and dirty the very first time you fire up that clean bubbler. Read on today as we explore the best practices and materials to use to achieve the best version of your bubbler today!
Before any cleaning can actually take place, best practices are to take an initial assessment of where the deepest cleaning needs to occur followed by the disassembly process. If your bubbler can break down into separate pieces, cleaning may become much easier. However, you can still achieve great results with a single piece of glass.
For the best results, finding isopropyl alcohol is usually your best bet for breaking down resin on walls and eating away at any debris. Other materials may work, but keep in mind that you’ll be smoking out of this piece later, so you should only utilize substances that can be easily washed out and aren’t too harmful to health.
With proper materials in hand, it’s time to start tackling the residues. After your initial assessment earlier, you should have an idea of what areas you want to attack, or maybe you recognize the whole piece just needs a deep cleaning.
A great practice is to soak your bubbler in an isopropyl alcohol bath for at least 15 to 20 minutes. If your whole piece needs to be cleaned, fully submerging the piece is best. However, you can target specific areas of your bubbler with targeted submerging.
After a thorough soaking in alcohol, you can remove your bubbler and give it a deep rinse with warm water. Rinse out any remaining debris or resin that is hanging on. From here, you can spot-clean any little areas where resin may remain. When the glass is looking pristine, your piece is ready to dry. Leaving your bubbler inverted on a towel is a great way to encourage draining. Use a towel to manually dry your bubbler if you want it to be usable quicker.
Generally, the best practices for maintaining a clean bubbler is through regular, routine maintenance. This can include daily cleanings with little things like a toothpick to make sure the bowl hole stays open and then deeper cleanings every week or so to prevent excessive build up of resin and ash. If given a choice, you should opt for more frequent cleanings; your bubbler cannot be too clean.
Regular maintenance and caution when cleaning/transporting your bubbler is key for the longevity of your glass. The cleaning process can be very hands on at times, which can present opportunities for danger. Being careful in this stage is key. Utilizing more hands-off cleaning methods like the isopropyl bath is a great way to keep your piece safe while cleaning.
Hard water stains are an easy clean if you have isopropyl alcohol and paper towels. A quick rub with isopropyl will speedily remove the stains. For real hard stains, keeping the mineral deposit soaked in isopropyl alcohol for a minute or two will do tremendous work as far as removing the stain.
As mentioned, be very careful when handling your bubbler during the cleaning process. Try to use techniques that allow you to be more hands off with your glass like isopropyl baths and air drying on a towel.
Once clean, always be sure to properly store your piece in a safe, secure spot. Keep your bubbler away from table edges and other high trafficked areas to be sure it’s not accidentally knocked to the floor.
The advantages to a clean bubbler are instantly palpable compared to the dirty bubbler experience. And cleaning your bubbler isn’t that hard! Utilizing the right materials presents a lowkey, hands off way to soak, clean, then dry your bubbler in a safe way. Having clean aeration holes, resin-free walls, and water clean of ash will dramatically improve your experience in functionality, taste, and vibe. Find your routine today, and experience the world of custom glass and fantastic sessions.
Depending on how often you use your bubbler, you can partake in small daily touch ups
followed by deeper cleanings every week or two. Keep checking your piece and do some
cleaning when debris piles up.
While smelly, vinegar is a viable cleaning solution for bubblers. The acidic nature of the
substance allows vinegar to eat away at resin and hard water stains.
Soaking your piece in isopropyl alcohol for an extended period of time is a hands off way
to eat into stubborn stains. After soaking, a gentle scrub with a paper towel can gently remove
any stains that remain.
Regularly changing the water in your bubbler is the best way to prevent mold growth.
Allow your piece to dry out in between uses too, especially if you’re going to be away from your bubbler for a few days.